A Unique Blend of Theory, Practice, and Clinical Exposure
The Clarkson College Radiography program is truly unique. 一年级学生在校园内上课,完成理论和实验课程. 实验课程的学生与教师的比例为4:5:1,并在晚上和周末提供无限制的实验时间. 二年级的学生在临床环境中度过他们的时间. 从一级创伤中心到农村医院再到门诊诊所,有超过28个不同的临床地点轮转. 课程确保学生有进入临床设置所需的基础和原则. Enroll now 并准备好在临床导师和技术人员的指导下与患者一起工作.
You can earn an Associate degree in radiography and a Bachelor's in medical imaging with no required prerequisites. This program feature is exclusive to Clarkson College. 你可以在第一学期后开始你的学士学位课程. 学生通常在两年内完成副学士学位,在1-2个学期内完成学士学位. Specialization options include CT, MRI, mammography, cardiac/vascular imaging, leadership, and 3D printing. Enroll in the dual degree program and save time.